Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bike to School/Work Week

Just wanted to let you know about some upcoming events:
Bike to School Week: May 27 -  31
Here's a great opportunity for your kids to get active, and have fun at the same time! Which kid wouldn't prefer to bike to school rather than be driven to school by his parents! Better yet is biking to school with friends!

HUB and HASTe (Hub for Active School Travel) are promoting Bike to School Week. A parent or teacher - and for secondary schools also students - can sign up to be a team leader for their school, and HUB will send you an information kit with posters, stickers and safety and other tips. (Secondary students can also sign up individually: see Bike to Work Week below).

Our local chapter would also like to provide some support (perhaps a "snack station"?), so if you decide to register your school, please also contact me at jchow23708@yahoo.ca.

Bike to Work Week: May 27 - June 2

Check out how it works, register for Bike to Work Week and log your miles on HUB's Bike to Work website and find the locations of the celebration stations, tips and prizes to be won.

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